Osnovna šola dr. Janeza Mencingerja Bohinjska Bistrica

Primary school dr. Janez Mencinger is situated in Bohinj. a rural alpine area of Slovenia.It is the only school in the area, and it is very important in the community. There are about 400 students visiting the school and there are about 50 professionals working there. Our pupils are from six to fifteen years old. To our school belongs also the subsidiary school in the village Srednja vas (about 40 pupils) and the kindergarten. Our school is local – for students from Bohinj. So we share our vision for the development of Bohinj with other institutions in our region. The school collaborates with other schools in Slovenia with competitions, project work etc. Since our school is situated in protected area, we pay attention for keeping environment well and we tend to have a lot of outdoor activities (going to mountains, schools in nature, outdoor sports, …) – We try to encourage our students to develop their gifts and talents, so we motivate them for different extracurricular activities (competitions, research and project work, cultural activities).

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