Scoala Gimnaziala Geo Bogza

The school bears the name of a well-known Romanian writer, poet and journalist at the same time. It has a highly professional dedicated to education teaching staff that seeks to meet each student’s need of being competitive, creative and able to make decisions and adapt to a changing society. School’s vision: ‘Educate today for the tomorrow’s society!’ Our school has got 800 pupils, aged between 6 and 15 years old. It is situated in a beautiful area, in the north of Bucharest, the capital of Romania. Our pupils come from various social environments, from two block of flats areas. They learn English and French as foreign languages and they improve their skills through several extracurricular activities under the guidance of their teachers. There are also many other activities such as cultural and artistic ones, or computer games, drama, exploring and preserving the environment, sports, traditional dancing, etc. Students that have special needs get all the necessary support and attend special training classes; they also take part in group and class curricular and extra-curricular activities. Our most important local partner is the First District Mayory, as they have got the means and the expertise for international educational projects, as well as national and municipal projects, through their specialized department. The Parents’ Association, a non-profit organization, supports all our educational activities and projects. It is a reliable partner in achieving our educational goals, for the benefit of our students. Our teaching staff has always been interested in programmes because we always wanted our students to have access to European standards and experiences in foreign countries. Our students are eager to learn and do more. All the teachers that are involved in our progress are willing and look forward to contribute in the programme. Our students shall become spokespeople for their peers from other schools in order to share the experience gained and applied in their training and education in a European way.Everyone will benefit from the results of the project because they offer a new perspective regarding the opportunities of school entrepreneurship in Europe, promote local values and initiate a European dialogue regarding the active citizenship and the national European qualities.

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